Thursday 2 August 2007

From China - Post 1

The first update from China arrived in the early hours this morning.. so turn on your best internal excited K8 voice and read the following .....

"We are in CHINA!! Its Ace! The hotel looks like a Kungfu movie temple, there are painted murals and coi carp and water everywhere. IT IS HOT!! The saort of hot where you think it will piss it down but it doesnt seem to do that here.

Training is WICKED! We do Tai Chi for 3 hours in teh morning and then 4 hours of Bagua in the afternoon. this is the second day of full on trianing and we are shattered everyone is really tired and achy but its just brilliant. Food is great, really amazing, utterly NO IDEA what we are eating!! Its best not to ask really.

Right will post again when we can!"

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